Monday, May 10, 2010


Okay, this is supposed to be a kids movie, right? So why the hell was I crying in the first 15 minutes of the movie? Cause it was sad as hell. This is a kids movie and is extremely funny but it sucks you in during the first 15 minutes with the story of Carl and Ellie.
They meet as kids because both share the spirit of adventure, and express an interest to go to South America and more specifically Paradise Falls. A brief montage of how they grow together get married, and find out they can't have kids all happens in the first part of the movie and leaves you feeling more depressed than happy. In fact, I'm sure children watch the movie and wonder "what the heck is going on mommy? Why are they sad? Why are you crying?"
Once you get passed this point you see the backdrop to the story and understand why Carl, now an old man, acts the way he does. He is a cynical old curmudgeon who through some crafty engineering manages to float his home out of the city and on it's way to Paradise Falls just as he had promised his beloved Ellie. Unfortunately he has a stowaway on board. Russell, a chubby little Wilderness Explorer who wants to earn his assisting the elderly badge.
The two of them travel to Paradise Falls where they encounter a rare and large bird, nicknamed "Kevin" by Russell and a cute and loveable dog name "Doug". I can't give away too much, but the four of them have a crazy adventure trying to keep Kevin safe from the clutches of Carl's boyhood idol, until the climatic scene aboard an airship at the end of the movie. It is a great movie for both kids and adults alike, and the voices of the characters, played admirably by Ed Asner, Christopher Plummer, Jordan Nagai, and Robert Peterson are cast perfectly.

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