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How the hell did this movie make $125 million dollars?  I'll tell you how, because it's the story of 3 "teenage" boys who somehow develop super powers.  It is every young high school nerd's dream to suddenly be able to do amazing things.  And so a bunch of kids went to see it again and again and again.  Which to be honest I had trouble sitting through it once.

It is the story of 3 friends who go down a hole in the woods and discover some glowing "thing" which suddenly enables them to do amazing things with their minds.  Initially they do little tricks, like moving blocks, or stacking toys, but then they discover they can do just about anything like even fly.  Really? As the story unfolds, the weakest of the 3 suddenly becomes the strongest and because of his sick twisted upbringing he becomes a "loose cannon", and sets out to destroy everything.   I'll let you check out the rest, because I don't want to spoil the ending.

This movie was a marriage of "The Craft" and "Cloverfield" which produced a film that should have been call "Crapsicle".  I don't know who cast this movie, but the actors are very good but much older than their characters who are supposed to be in high school.  The story turns on the character of Andrew who is a social misfit, beat up by his dad, and whose mother has cancer.  He gets a camera and starts filming everything that is happening to him and keeping a chronicle of his life. So even while the boys develop their super powers he is somehow able to use his mind the fly around with the camera and film at the same time.  It's believable since we believe that they can acquire super powers. In fact the most unbelievable part of the movie is that Andrew is 17! The actor who plays him, Dane Hehaan is actually 25 and looks even older.  The actors do a good job in this movie and if I were 17 again, and it was the middle of summer I would probably go see it.  But as a rental it's garbage.  Hey here's an idea, when you get the dvd, just crush it with your mind, because that's what the writer should have done with this script.  

Hey everybody, the guys from the Hangover decided to make the same exact movie but set it this time in Bangcock!   No seriously, that's what this movie is, just a revised version of the original "Hangover".  And this is why it's not good.  That movie was amazing and this movie would be amazing if it hadn't already been produced years ago.  I'm getting slightly tired of Bradley Cooper, but the rest of the cast still delivers.  If you're just interested in laughing at silly jokes that are being rehashed, then watch this movie.  Otherwise watch it on the tube. I would say horrible, but it's not horrible, it's just predictable.  And it's not worth a full review sorry everybody.

Okay, so everyone is in love with Bradley Cooper, except for maybe Vince Vaughn who wanted to kill him in "Wedding Crashers".  I have one question for Mr. Cooper. "Why is your one eye always bloodshot?"  That guy must do a lot of partying, because I've seen him in this movie and the Hangover Saga, and he has that one eye messed up in all three.  Weird. 

The movie is good.  And it has a very interesting premise.  A pharmaceutical company develops a drug which allows you to use the entire capacity of your brain.  Cooper plays Eddie Mora, a writer who can't seem to get anything published who has an awesome girlfriend, but he somehow manages to screw even that up.  So with no girlfriend, no book deal, and no future Eddie runs into an old friend who gives him a sample of a drug called NZT.  Once he takes the drug Eddie can suddenly use all the capacity of his mind, and in doing so, he is able to piece things together that no one else can. He makes a fortune investing money, and he suddenly finds himself at the top of the food chain with everyone wondering how he got there.

I don't want to give away too much, but Cooper is very good in this movie, as his supporting cast of Robert De Niro, Abbie Cornish, and Anna Friel.  The movie is well filmed and fast paced with very solid acting performances all around.  I was pleasantly surprised by how good this one was.  Make sure to see it and make sure it's in HD.  Actually make sure everything you watch in HD.
I am not a huge fan of mixed martial arts.  Well, how bout barely a fan of mixed martial arts.  I get tired of people ripping on boxing and saying it's not the sport anymore.  Boxing will always be a great sport, but MMA is here to stay and this movie is a very good film about the sport.  Granted the acting could have been a little better, uh actually a lot better but it was still a great idea for a movie.

Tom Hardy plays a Gulf War Vet, named Tommy, I suppose they did this so Hardy could remember his character's name better? Anyway, Tommy comes back to his old neighborhood, in Pittsburg, to greet his dad, played flawlessly by Nick Nolte, and to train again for an upcoming MMA event called SPARTA.  Hardy doesn't really act so much in this movie as grunt and moan and be a complete bitter ass to his father and everyone around him.  If this is a great performance then so was the actor who played the Gimp in "Pulp Fiction".  It almost got annoying his character's over the top hatred of EVERYTHING, that it ruined the film.  However, the plot actually helped carry the movie.

While Tommy is training his older brother Brendan is a teacher in Philadelphia and well on his way to bankruptcy.  A victim of the housing crisis he has mortgaged his house to pay for medical bills and cannot get refinancing.  So he moonlights at night, fighting in parking lots to earn extra cash.  Both men are inextricably drawn to their dad and yet hate him for being an alchoholic, pushing them too hard, and pushing their mother away.  They both get the idea to fight in a "winner take all", MMA event which will earn the last man standing 5 million dollars.  Wonder what happens next?  They fight!

And they fight. And they fight.  And there's some more fighting, and the movie ends with a fight.   Get the picture.  This is a fight movie.  A good one, and I was surprised I liked it as much as I did.  If they had made Hardy's character a little more realistic instead of this stone faced, bad-ass it would have been better.  Still a good film though. Rent it for sure.

Black Swan is Natalie Portman's best acting performance of her fine young career.  Well if you exclude her role as Taffy Dale in "Mars Attacks", it's her best performance. She plays a beautiful young ballerina who while accomplished, never gets to play the lead in any of her company's performances.  This is a parity of her acting career where she almost always landed the "good girl" roles and never played a bad girl.
In this film, as the lead she must play both the white swan and the black swan with equal ferocity.  She dives into the role of the black swan with almost maniacal force and the result is astounding.  This is a great "little" film.  Not overly done, with amazing supporting performances by Mila Kunis, Barbara Hershey, and Vincent Cassel.  Please don't miss this one because it's very good.  Just Queue It!

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