Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Netflix Top 100 - 1. - The Blind Side

I saw this movie when it first came out and liked it even way back in the day. It is one of those feel good movies like The Rookie (baseball movie). A movie about southern people who love their sports but love religion even more. However despite all of the sentimental hogwash it's still a very good movie.

Let's face it nobody likes to be preached to, but this movie doesn't come across like that. It tells the simple story of Michael Oher, who is a homeless teenager of massive proportions, and who is taken in by a wealthy Christian family. The matriarch of the family, Leigh Anne Tuohy, played by Sandra Bullock is a tough well meaning mother who tries to help Michael and in doing so helps herself and her family as well. The family comes together to help him get into school, onto the football field, and eventually in to a college.
Sandra Bullock is great in the lead role and still looks extremely hot despite her age (45) The producers obviously chose outfits which would accentuate her great figure. (What does she do, besides Jesse James, to stay in such great shape?) However, was it worthy of an academy award? Nope. That should've gone to Meryl Streep for Julie and Julia, but heh I'm not an Academy member.

Despite the religious overtones and "goody-goodyness", I found myself nearly crying at the end of the movie, for it's heartwarming message and for the actors wonderful portrayals of a loving family. This is definitely a good movie to rent even if you're not into sports. You had better Queue It!

Netflix Top 100 - 2. - Crash

When I first saw this movie, I was blown away by the intricacies of the plot and the film.  It was amazing.  However, I watched this again recently and it is still an amazing movie.  so touching, real, and a tribute to the city of Los Angeles and all the varying cultures which co-exists in the vast, spread out metropolis, that is LA.

The cast is gigantic and so is the theme of this movie.  It revolves around various residents of Los Angeles which seem to have no connection to one another, but as the movie evolves the pieces start to fit together and the result is amazing!  I don't want to get into too much detail, because I don't want to be the spoiler here, but if you haven't seen this movie you need to.  Great writing, directing, and acting throughout this film.  Just Queue It x 10!

Netflix Top 100 - 3. - The Bucket List

Now I know there are a lot of baby boomers on netflix, because this movie is at number 3.  A lot of people are getting ready to "kick the bucket" I guess, so that's what makes this one so popular.  Lord knows I wouldn't put this one at number 3 or even number 333.  It's not that great but it is a call to older people wanting to fulfill their dreams. And it's a decent movie just not awesome like other films on this list.

The idea behind the film is that a corporate billionaire Edward (Jack Nicholson) and Carter (Morgan Freeman) a retired auto mechanic both have a terminal illness.  So in order to accomplish all they wanted to do before they die, they put together a "Bucket List" or rather a "Kick The Bucket List", and Edward uses his money to help them fulfill their dreams.  In the process they grow together and find real joy.

A wonderful idea, and a good film, just not worthy of the hype involved.  Both Nicholson and Freeman are great in their respective roles and the movie is a triumph of the spirit, and an inspiration.  It is good but not great and a feel good movie but not one of the best of the year 2007.  I would queue it, but not emphatically.  

Netflix Top 100 - 4. - The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

This should be retitled "The Curious Case of Why Is This Movie So Damned Long"!  It's based on a short story for god's sake!  If it had run any longer I would have killed every one in the movie theater. Heartwarming and touching, but for nearly 3 hours, give my kidneys a break please Mr. Fincher.  I walked out of the movie having aged as much as Brad Pitt regressed.

Not a bad film at all, and the story is interesting, but not worthy of a Best Picture nomination.  It is the story Benjamin Button, a boy who is born as an old man.  However rather than age, Benjamin grows younger with age, and so this provides an interesting context for a movie.  So even though he appears old he is in fact a child and when he becomes older, though he looks young he is now an old man.  Following me so far, cause it's really not all that confusing.

Benjamin is left orphaned on the steps of a retirement home and subsequently raised by his adopted mother Queenie, who raises him as her own.  As his life progresses he goes through a series of different changes but eventually he meets the love of his life Daisy when she is a young girl visiting her grandmother.  The film follows the relationship between Daisy and Benjamin and leads up to their adult life where Brad Pitt portrays Benjamin and Daisy is played by Cate Blanchett.  Both leads do a wonderful job and the movie looks and feels wonderful.  A great period piece and I have never seen Cate Blanchett look more beautiful.  Great acting the story is good, it just takes too long to tell.  If you queue this one watch it in two nights so you don't fall asleep.  Still a good film so Just Queue It.

Netflix Top 100 - 5. - The Hurt Locker

Made for a portion of Avatar this movie should have won the Best Picture Oscar and it did! In fact it won 6 Oscars and rightfully so, it is an amazing film.  Shot on location on location in Jordan this movie puts you right inside the battle zone in the Middle East.  It is wonderfully shot, well acted, great special effects, and very gritty.  It gives you the feel of being a soldier in the Middle East.

When I first saw this in the theater, I was on the edge of my seat through out the movie.  It is filmed which so much tension and such suspense that you can't help but be drawn into the plot.  It is the story of Sergeant William James who is a specialist at defusing bombs.  He is assigned to a new team after their first sergeant is killed in the course of duty, and James is more than a little unconventional.  In fact, he's a cowboy. Throwing caution to the wind and seemingly putting himself and his team in danger at every turn. 

As a result of his "recklessness" he seems to have alienated himself from his team, and the film is about them working together to survive the war and just what these men go through to protect our great country.  Jeremy Renner was duly nominated for an Oscar for his portrayal of James, but the rest of the cast is equally great.

I know a lot of people thought this film sucked because of all the hype around it, but I saw it early and I wasn't disappointed.  This is no "Blair Witch Project".  Just keep an open mind, don't expect to be blown away by CG or special effects and you should enjoy this one.  Just Queue It!

Netflix Top 100 - 6. - The Departed

This is a fu#&ing awesome movie!  And I only use that word, because they say it about 300 times in this flick.  What an amazing film by Martin Sciorcese, who has to be the greatest director in American Cinema period.  Yes he's had some clunkers like "Shutter Island", but those are rare.  And this is one of his best, even though his fans will argue with me, who gives a damn!  This is my blog.
The cast is incredible, the writing is extraordinary, and the direction is phenomenal. This movie won 4 Academy Awards including Best Motion Picture of the Year, and why?  Because it's amazing!  It follows the lives of people living in Boston's toughest Irish neighborhood, and the focus here is on the criminal element led specifically by Frank Costello, played wonderfully by Jack Nicholson.  The story follows the lives of two young men Colin Sullivan (Matt Damon) and Bill Costigan (Leonardo DiCaprio) who are in the State Police Academy together and working to become officers. 

I don't want to give away too much in this film because there are so many plot twists and turns, but the story weaves around the lives of these two men and the different paths they take in their careers but both seemingly tied closely to the activities of the Irish mobster Frank Costello.  Their are too many great actors in this film to single any one out, but Mark Wahlberg is great and deserving of his Best Supporting Actor Oscar.  Alec Baldwin is amazing as well.  Stop reading and load this into your queue.  Just Queue It!

Netflix Top 100 - 7. - Sherlock Holmes

This is a great flick though too many slow motion scenes.  that started to become annoying, but worked.
Imagine that Sherlock Holmes was a roustabout and a little bit of rebel, and you have the 2009 version of the age old English legend. This is a good movie and a somewhat loyal but hugely updated version of the great Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes with Robert Downey Jr. playing the principal part. Jude Law is Holmes' reliable Dr. Watson, and both men seem to be incredibly fit,smart, and physical, quite unlike the stories from the books. They are involved in all kinds of big action sequences and fights, which they always seem to win.
However, movies are invariably never as good as the books, so if you take it for what it's worth: this is just a movie, and it is a lot of fun, well acted, and worth the rental. The only drawback is having to look at the crusty smiles of Brits from the turn of the century, where brushing one's teeth with a sugary cinammon stick seemed to pass for dental hygiene. If you do rent this one get the HD version and turn up the sound, it's better that way.  Just Queue It!