Saturday, June 5, 2010

Food Inc.

Okay, so I'm not a big believer in conspiracy theories or the evils of "big business", but like all industries the food industry has been reduced to just a few large conglomerates in the US. This movie is an "eye opener" as to how our food is processed and how it has changed our lives. It documents how the industry has changed over the years as a result of the need created by fast food. What's interesting is it doesn't judge, it just tells the story of how the way we eat has changed and not for the better.

Well documented and extremely interesting, the film depicts how the agri-businesses have changed to accomodate the demand for fast food and developed systems which work but are inherent with risks; especially e-coli. It's frightening and overwhelming because it seems there is no way to stop the business machine. However, the movie has a rosie outlook because it offers a solution in the end. This is a very good documentary and I recommend it to anyone who is interested in what you're putting in your mouth. And that includes vegetarians.


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