Sunday, October 24, 2010

A Single Man

This is a beautiful movie. If you can deal with the subject matter, mainly gay lovers, then this movie is worth seeing. I personally thought this was the best movie of 2009. I saw Avatar and that was amazing, but as far as a serious and well made movie, this was the best of the year.
Colin Firth plays a professor at a small community college in Los Angeles who just lost his lover to a car accident. He is traumatize and contemplating suicide when he meets a number of interesting characters as he battles with his loss. Julianne Moore plays his best friend and is a great supporting actress in this movie, carrying some great scenes and witty dialogue.
For a first time director, Tom Ford does a great job of making this movie look like a fashion ad for the 1960's. Every shot is flawless and the colors are magnificient. Definitely rent this one if you can handle male nudity. If you can't, Broke Back Mountain is an alternative, or maybe The Hurt Locker.

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