Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Informant - Definitely a Rental

What I like about this movie is what a jackass Matt Damon is in the movie. He's even better than his role in Team America, which incidentally, I'm not sure that was him making a cameo in that movie.

It tells the story of Mark and Ginger Whitacre. A couple that is caught in a plot to fix the prices of lysine, a food additive at agri food giant ADM. Mark compiles hundreds of hours of video tape, film etc. to implicate the company but during this time he is stealing money from the company itself and turns out to be a horrible informant. His lying get's him and the FBI into some serious trouble and it isn't til after the movie is over we find out he's okay.

Not a great movie, but like any others in this range, we find out it's even worse when it tries to grow a consience. I thought Damon was great in this role, and his character was truly unbelievable. It all of this actually happened it must have been hilarious. Damon lies and covers up so much, you almost can't believe this story is true! And what's ironic is that in the end, he still comes out as the president of a major company. White crime does seem to pay. Rent it, don't buy it.


Paranormal Activity - Rental

I was skeptical of this movie because of all the hype surrounding it, and mainly because I was jealous some asshole made a movie for less than I paid for my car and it made 100 million dollars at the box office. Secretly, I hoped it would suck, and that in a tiny way I could exact my revenge via judgement against this friggin jerk and his crappy little movie. I was wrong.

Do not get caught up in the hype, and just watch this movie for what it is. A cheaply made movie, with decent acting that gets you involved in the plot, and makes you like or dislike the characters. The two principal actors, Katie Feathersone and Micah Sloat, do a wonderful job of making you believe they are a real couple. Micah especially makes you hate him and his stupid obsession with a spirit which invades their home. It seems that this spirit/demon has been following his girlfriend around for years and now it has come to roost in their new house. Micah torments the spirit and it makes itself increasingly more hostile towards the couple until the final surprise ending.

Turn off all the lights and watch this one in the dark. It's much scarier that way.


Monday, April 26, 2010

The Men Who Stare At Goats - Rental

If you're looking for a good Cohen Brothers movie you're not going to find it here. Not a bad movie, but not a great one either. None of the great acting like in Fargo, The Big Lewbowski, or even Burn After Reading. More like a poor version of O'Brother Where Art Thou. I was not expecting much but even then I was slightly disappointed. The director, Grant Heslov tried to make a Cohen brothers movie but failed in the endeavor, despite a slew of great actors.

To be sure it's worth a $3 rental, and I'm sure over the years it may become a cult classic like Lewbowski, because a bevy of weird performances from Jeff Bridges, George Clooney, Kevin Spacey, and Ewan McGregor.

McGregor is a journalist in Iraq who stumbles upon Clooney in the desert who explains he is a former member of the New Earth Army. The whole plot surrounds this secret military experiment, the New Earth Army, conducted during the 60's and 70's by Bridges to try and combat the enemy using a soldier's paranormal powers. Clooney is great as Lyn Cassady, the telekinetic prodigy of the army's experiment and Bridges pet student, while Spacey plays the villain and is great in this role. As usual it contains the standard weirdness, and you wonder at times where the movie is going. There are flashbacks to the present and past until it just kind of ends with a bizaree reunion of all the principals in the military experiment reuniting in a camp in Iraq.

Needless to say it's a decent film, but there were times I wished I were like the goats used in the military experiments. Dead. Rent it don't buy it. And don't expect too much from it, you'll be disappointed. Lower your expectations and you might be pleasantly surprised.


The Blind Side - Rental

I saw this movie when it first came out and liked it even way back in the day. It is one of those feel good movies like The Rookie (baseball movie). A movie about southern people who love their sports but love religion even more. However despite all of the sentimental hogwash it's still a good movie.

Let's face it nobody likes to be preached to, but this movie doesn't come across like that. It tells the simple story of Michael Oher, who is a homeless teenager of massive proportions, and who is taken in by a wealthy Christian family. The matriarch of the family, Leigh Anne Tuohy, played by Sandra Bullock is a tough well meaning mother who tries to help Michael and in doing so helps herself and her family as well. The family comes together to help him get into school, onto the football field, and eventually in to a college.

Sandra Bullock is great in the lead role and still looks extremely hot despite her age (45) The producers obviously chose outfits which would accentuate her great figure. (What does she do, besides Jesse James, to stay in such great shape?) However, was it worthy of an academy award? Nope. That should've gone to Meryl Streep for Julie and Julia, but heh I'm not an Academy member.

Despite the religious overtones and goody-goodness, I found myself nearly crying at the end of the movie, for it's heartwarming message and for the actors wonderful portrayals of a loving family. This is definitely a good movie to rent even if you're not into sports.


Sunday, April 25, 2010

Crazy Heart - Rental

Academy award winning performance? Uh dunno. Good performance by Jeff Bridges, but worthy of an Academy Award? Uh no. Colin Firth was so much better in A Single Man, but Bridges probably was given the award because he deserved it years ago for other roles. The movie is good, but not incredible, or even that deep. It's the portrayal of an aging alcoholic country music singer, who is trying to get his shit together. Wow an alcoholic trying to get his shit together? That's amazing, but I could see that plot line at any of my relative's weddings. Not a big deal, but it did have Colin Farrell as a country music star. This made it that much more unbelievable.

Bridges keeps the film grounded, because any film with Colin Farrell as a country music singer can't be memorable. So Mr. Bridges keeps the film going for more than an 1.5 hours alone with some good songs and Maggie Gyllenhaal looking and acting better than I've seen her since The Secretary. Never been a huge fan of hers but she does a great job as his love interest and really helps turn his life around. Good film and good performances, but nothing spectacular to see here.


Up In The Air - Rental

Good movie? Yes. Great movie? No. It really depends on what you're looking for. I had heard so much about how this movie was great, that I believed the hype. Don't get me wrong, it's a good movie. A very interesting look at the life of an aging bachelor and his job which allows him to not only detach himself from his family but from his life. He has no connections, either emotional, geographical, etc.

And Clooney is perfectly cast because this is how we all see him. It may not be how he really is, but it's our perception of him that counts. He is the ultimate bachelor, accessible but unreachable, and that's how he is in this movie. Until...

Enter Vera Farmiga, a hot equally travelled lady looking at the size of Clooney's (Ryan) travel portfolio. She possesses the best body double in Hollywood or the best ass, I can't tell which one, but it looks great on screen. She reaches him as does his unwilling fellow employee played by Anna Kendrick. One is his sexual interest and fellow "detachee" while the other is grounded and tries to bring him into the fold. Both these women touch parts of Ryan (George Clooney) that he didn't know existed, and it ends up affecting the three of them in unique ways. It's well acted, well written, and a good film. Just not a Best Picture nod. Sorry

Monsters vs. Aliens - Rental

A very funny movie, and not just made for kids. Great cast with Reese Witherspoon, Seth Rogen, Kiefer Sutherland, Raiin Wilson, and Will Arnett. The plot is pretty thin, with just a group of maladjusted "monsters" that end up taking on an overly calm and confused alien dictator named Gallaxhar. He is looking to secure some type of odd element which will give him the ultimate power to take over the universe. Aren't we all searching for that?

Regardless, Witherspoon is awesome as the monster "Susan", or as they refer to her in the movie, "Gianormica". She brings a cute and funny normalcy to the role, while the rest of the monsters are all equally funny. The best part about the movie is the average nature of the monsters and how they're put into these odd and stressful situations. Especially when Susan's parents host a pool party for her monster friends.

All in all, it's a simple but well intended movie that's just fun to watch. Don't get all excited to see it, because remember it's just for kids. That's probably why I enjoyed this movie so much.

- M

PS: Great cameo by Paul Rudd as Derek

Avatar - Blu Ray - Rental

Okay, so this movie if you saw it in the theatre lives up to the hype on Blu-Ray. The only thing missing is the 3-D effects. It's a re-used story which has been seen in everything from Fern Gully to Bambi. Evil men trying to rid native species of their forest and doing whatever it takes to get rid of them. However it's well done and the acting is good, but the effects are the main reason to buy or rent this movie.

James Cameron is a cinematic and effects wizard who probably is an absolute prick to work with, but makes everyone he works with a success. This movie is no different, the colors are incredible,the CG effects out of this world, while the acting is pretty good, with the exception of Sigouney Weaver's avatar. I found her oddly attractive despite the blue tail. (It must've been the large breasts)

The plot is weak but who gives a shit, the movie will make history for it's innovation and break through cinematic techniques.($2.6 billion doesn't hurt either) Be sure to pick this one up if you own a blu-ray player. If you don't then buy one, if you have an HD TV. If you don't have an HD television, you're either over 60, blind, or my parents. Either way, I truly feel sorry for you.


Precious - Rental

I would rent this movie just to see Mariah Carey with facial hair and a terrible accent. However, to keep it short and sweet this movie is terrific. The acting is incredible from both the lead actress Gabourey Sidibe, and of course Academy Award Winner Mo'Nique. Seriously, she spells her name that way. Uh genius? No more like ridiculous, I hope that is her birth name and she didn't create it.

The movie follows the story of Precious, an overweight mother of one who lives with an abusive mother and is pregnant with a second child. This story is depressing enough but it gets worse for Precious. I won't elaborate you have to watch the movie. However, despite her situation we follow her story of perserverence and dedication to her baby and her education. The movie is based on a novel by Sapphire, which they seem to remind us of over and over in the advertisements everywhere. (Someone's trying to sell some books!) And it is well written, well directed, and a great rental. Please check it out, but don't expect it to cheer you up.


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Sherlock Holmes-Rental

Imagine that Sherlock Holmes was a roustabout and a little bit of rebel, and you have the 2009 version of the age old English legend. This is a good movie and a somewhat loyal but hugely updated version of the great Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes with Robert Downey Jr. playing the principal part. Jude Law is Holmes' reliable Dr. Watson, and both men seem to be incredibly fit,smart, and physical, quite unlike the stories from the books. They are involved in all kinds of big action sequences and fights, which they always seem to win.
However, movies are invariably never as good as the books, so if you take it for what it's worth: this is just a movie, and it is a lot of fun, well acted, and worth the rental. The only drawback is having to look at the crusty smiles of Brits from the turn of the century, where brushing one's teeth with a sugary cinammon stick seemed to pass for dental hygiene. If you do rent this one get the HD version and turn up the sound, it's better that way.

Rating - B+

Sunday, April 18, 2010

2012 - Rental

If you own a HD television this movie is worth the rental price. If you don't own an HD television, really what's the point. The only good thing is the computer generated effects. And that's the same as this director's other disaster movie, the Day After Tomorrow.(I don't mean 10,000 BC) What a witty title. This is almost exactly the same movie. In fact, my bad, it is the same movie. The only difference is there is less snow and more water. But snow is actually frozen water so I guess it's the same movie.
The highlight of the movie is when all of humanity is endanger of being wiped out by a series of colossal events, and a small dog is able to maneuver across a large metal wire to make it aboard one of the arks that is destined to save humanity. I think I cried when the dog made it aboard and I cried when the delegates of the world's leaders spoke with the worst fake accents I've heard in years. The acting is good from the main characters, but I can't believe this movie made 800 million dollars. I suppose people just want to be reminded of their own mortality. Thank god John Cusack is in the film, he was the best part about this movie. If you could have thrown in Jeremy Piven and Minnie Driver, they could have made Gross Pointe II Class Renunion 2012. I would've paid to see that one. Rent it, and if you buy it, you're an idiot.

- M