Sunday, April 25, 2010

Avatar - Blu Ray - Rental

Okay, so this movie if you saw it in the theatre lives up to the hype on Blu-Ray. The only thing missing is the 3-D effects. It's a re-used story which has been seen in everything from Fern Gully to Bambi. Evil men trying to rid native species of their forest and doing whatever it takes to get rid of them. However it's well done and the acting is good, but the effects are the main reason to buy or rent this movie.

James Cameron is a cinematic and effects wizard who probably is an absolute prick to work with, but makes everyone he works with a success. This movie is no different, the colors are incredible,the CG effects out of this world, while the acting is pretty good, with the exception of Sigouney Weaver's avatar. I found her oddly attractive despite the blue tail. (It must've been the large breasts)

The plot is weak but who gives a shit, the movie will make history for it's innovation and break through cinematic techniques.($2.6 billion doesn't hurt either) Be sure to pick this one up if you own a blu-ray player. If you don't then buy one, if you have an HD TV. If you don't have an HD television, you're either over 60, blind, or my parents. Either way, I truly feel sorry for you.


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