Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Paranormal Activity - Rental

I was skeptical of this movie because of all the hype surrounding it, and mainly because I was jealous some asshole made a movie for less than I paid for my car and it made 100 million dollars at the box office. Secretly, I hoped it would suck, and that in a tiny way I could exact my revenge via judgement against this friggin jerk and his crappy little movie. I was wrong.

Do not get caught up in the hype, and just watch this movie for what it is. A cheaply made movie, with decent acting that gets you involved in the plot, and makes you like or dislike the characters. The two principal actors, Katie Feathersone and Micah Sloat, do a wonderful job of making you believe they are a real couple. Micah especially makes you hate him and his stupid obsession with a spirit which invades their home. It seems that this spirit/demon has been following his girlfriend around for years and now it has come to roost in their new house. Micah torments the spirit and it makes itself increasingly more hostile towards the couple until the final surprise ending.

Turn off all the lights and watch this one in the dark. It's much scarier that way.


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