Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Paranormal Activity 2

Jesus talk about saving money on production costs?! They claim this movie cost millions to make...uh really? Because I own a HD video camera and since all of the scenes were filmed on hand held or "security" cameras why would this thing cost millions to make.
I'll give you a hint...director and actors fees. The two stars of the original make cameo appearances and the structure is all based upon their relationship to the current family being stalked in this picture. This is a PREQUEL people! And it is much the same as the first but not as surprising because all the "scary" parts were done in the first movie. The same foreshadowing takes place but with different twists and it's not a bad movie at all.
In fact they go a bit further than the first movie by attacking a dog and injuring people in the film. It's a well made movie, but it has the same characteristics as the first. Here's a hint...when there is a loud humming or rumbling sound that means the "demon" is on the loose and is about to possess somebody or do something scary. It is a great effect, but after the 10th friggin time it kinda loses it's "scariness". Halfway through the movie I was getting bored with the shocking effects. Here's a minor hint, if your relative looks insane then they are insane. And in each of these movies they make the guys out to be complete idiots who won't admit there's a problem. One thing I know about men. We are visual and if we see some shit go down, we will firmly believe there is a problem. But in both movies the guys are in denial. So finally when they do come to their senses, it's too always too late.
Fortunately for me, I watched this on video so it wasn't too late for me to figure this movie's plot. Hahahaha. Definitely a rental, but would have been much better in a theatre. If you wanna be scared stiff watch this in the dark. The POV view is the best part. And it is scary, especially with the lights off and no clothes on. Wait....even with clothes on it's frightening. Rent it and enjoy it, and don't treat it like the "Blair Witch Project".

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