Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Netflix Top 100 - 53. - The Illusionist

I was pleasantly surprised by this movie.  After coming off such blockbuster hits as "Kingdom of Heaven" and "Down In The Valley", I wasn't sure what was going to happen to Edward Norton's career.  But this movie brought out his talent again.  Not that he was bad in those other movies, but they were box office and critical bombs.  So his career seemed headed in the wrong direction, but imagine what a fine actor can actually do with a plot? He can act!

This movie is based upon a short story "Eisenheim The Illusionist", and portrays the life of a young magician, Eisenheim, who is in love with a young lady well above his class.  Despite his social standing he falls in love with her and then is forced to leave town after unfortunate circumstances.  He returns to renew his love but has a contentious Inspector Uhl(Paul Giamatti) who is vying for the affections of the Illusionists love interest Sophie(Jessica Biel).  This movie is as beautifully shot as Biel's portrayal as the elegant and wonderful Sophie.  A great cast, well filmed, and a very pleasant surprise you'll find here.  Just Queue It!

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