Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Netflix Top 100 - 54. - Burn After Reading

A lot of people did not like this movie, but I thought it was hilarious.  As with all Cohen brothers movies, it's an absurd plot line, with a bunch of crazy characters.  This is what makes their movies interesting isn't it?  Well, apparently some of you may not like this one, but just go with it.  The cast is awesome, with Brad Pitt stealing a lot of laugh lines as goofy fitness trainer, and Frances McDormand as an unhappy gym employee. 

George Clooney and John Malkovich help spice up the plot with an affair between couples and the whole story surrounds a disc which is lost by Malkovich who happens to be an ex-CIA employee. Pitt and McDormand find the disc and try to use as their "lottery ticket", and then craziness ensues.  Like many Cohen brothers movies, death comes up when you least expect it, and the plot lines seem to be running apart, but come together in the end.  I liked it, but you may not.  Tread lightly, and Queue It!

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