Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Netflix Top 100 - 36. - Shutter Island

What the hell happened here?  That's what I was thinking when you put Martin Sciorcese and DiCaprio together, the movie would have to be amazing. Maybe like "The Departed" but in a sanitarium?  Man was I ever wrong.  This movie was not awful, but it wasn't good either.  Maybe I was expecting too much?

DiCaprio plays U.S. Marshall Teddy Daniels who is searching for murderess in the year 1954.  He is sent to Boston's Shutter Island Hospital to investigate, and he runs into a series of road blocks to his investigation in the process.  All I know is that anytime you see an old woman with alopecia and a gruesome face, yelling at you as you enter a hospital grounds, it's probably time to get the hell out of there!  However DiCaprio as his partner Chuck (Mark Ruffalo) ignore the signs that something is not right on Shutter Island, and decide to proceed with the investigation. 

They are thwarted at every lead, and when a hurricane comes crashing down on the island they are all but cut off from the main land and they start to doubt not only the sanity of the patients on the island, but there own as well. 

I won't get into too many details but this movie just didn't work.  The directing was okay and the acting was good, but I wasn't horrified by Shutter Island, and the drama just wasn't there.  Something was missing...oh yeah a well thought out script.  Other than that, the movie could have been great, because I liked the premise.  Overall this one is a wait for it on Starz and not a Queue It!  Sorry Leo.

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