Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Netflix Top 100 - 37. - Babel

Great cast and a great movie.  Despite it's crazy varying plot lines, I really liked this one. The movie stars a variety of great actor/actresses and works if you PAY ATTENTION.   Brad Pitt and Kate Blanchett star as a couple trying to work through problems in their marriage and decide to take a trip to the Middle East.  (That wouldn't be my first recommendation for marriage counseling but what do I know) As they are riding on a bus in Morocco they are arguing the entire time about how distant they are from each other.   As this is happening a couple of kids who are sheep herders have taken their father's rifle and are shooting in the same area.  The shoot at the bus and hit Blanchett's character in the shoulder.  She is bleeing profusely and they need to get to the nearest town.

In the meantime, another story is running concurrently with a Japanese deaf girl and her father who are recently upset about the suicide of their wife/mother.  The girl is despondent but cannot talk to the father about how she feels.  In addition there is another story surrounding the sheep herder and also the nanny of Pitt and Blanchett's children.  Are you confused yet? 

All these intertwining plot lines come together and at first they all seem like celluloid babel, but eventually they intersect and this movie is great.  Watch it closely and pay attention or you must miss something.  Great direction, great performances and definitely Just Queue It!

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