Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Netflix Top 100 - 1. - The Blind Side

I saw this movie when it first came out and liked it even way back in the day. It is one of those feel good movies like The Rookie (baseball movie). A movie about southern people who love their sports but love religion even more. However despite all of the sentimental hogwash it's still a very good movie.

Let's face it nobody likes to be preached to, but this movie doesn't come across like that. It tells the simple story of Michael Oher, who is a homeless teenager of massive proportions, and who is taken in by a wealthy Christian family. The matriarch of the family, Leigh Anne Tuohy, played by Sandra Bullock is a tough well meaning mother who tries to help Michael and in doing so helps herself and her family as well. The family comes together to help him get into school, onto the football field, and eventually in to a college.
Sandra Bullock is great in the lead role and still looks extremely hot despite her age (45) The producers obviously chose outfits which would accentuate her great figure. (What does she do, besides Jesse James, to stay in such great shape?) However, was it worthy of an academy award? Nope. That should've gone to Meryl Streep for Julie and Julia, but heh I'm not an Academy member.

Despite the religious overtones and "goody-goodyness", I found myself nearly crying at the end of the movie, for it's heartwarming message and for the actors wonderful portrayals of a loving family. This is definitely a good movie to rent even if you're not into sports. You had better Queue It!

Netflix Top 100 - 2. - Crash

When I first saw this movie, I was blown away by the intricacies of the plot and the film.  It was amazing.  However, I watched this again recently and it is still an amazing movie.  so touching, real, and a tribute to the city of Los Angeles and all the varying cultures which co-exists in the vast, spread out metropolis, that is LA.

The cast is gigantic and so is the theme of this movie.  It revolves around various residents of Los Angeles which seem to have no connection to one another, but as the movie evolves the pieces start to fit together and the result is amazing!  I don't want to get into too much detail, because I don't want to be the spoiler here, but if you haven't seen this movie you need to.  Great writing, directing, and acting throughout this film.  Just Queue It x 10!

Netflix Top 100 - 3. - The Bucket List

Now I know there are a lot of baby boomers on netflix, because this movie is at number 3.  A lot of people are getting ready to "kick the bucket" I guess, so that's what makes this one so popular.  Lord knows I wouldn't put this one at number 3 or even number 333.  It's not that great but it is a call to older people wanting to fulfill their dreams. And it's a decent movie just not awesome like other films on this list.

The idea behind the film is that a corporate billionaire Edward (Jack Nicholson) and Carter (Morgan Freeman) a retired auto mechanic both have a terminal illness.  So in order to accomplish all they wanted to do before they die, they put together a "Bucket List" or rather a "Kick The Bucket List", and Edward uses his money to help them fulfill their dreams.  In the process they grow together and find real joy.

A wonderful idea, and a good film, just not worthy of the hype involved.  Both Nicholson and Freeman are great in their respective roles and the movie is a triumph of the spirit, and an inspiration.  It is good but not great and a feel good movie but not one of the best of the year 2007.  I would queue it, but not emphatically.  

Netflix Top 100 - 4. - The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

This should be retitled "The Curious Case of Why Is This Movie So Damned Long"!  It's based on a short story for god's sake!  If it had run any longer I would have killed every one in the movie theater. Heartwarming and touching, but for nearly 3 hours, give my kidneys a break please Mr. Fincher.  I walked out of the movie having aged as much as Brad Pitt regressed.

Not a bad film at all, and the story is interesting, but not worthy of a Best Picture nomination.  It is the story Benjamin Button, a boy who is born as an old man.  However rather than age, Benjamin grows younger with age, and so this provides an interesting context for a movie.  So even though he appears old he is in fact a child and when he becomes older, though he looks young he is now an old man.  Following me so far, cause it's really not all that confusing.

Benjamin is left orphaned on the steps of a retirement home and subsequently raised by his adopted mother Queenie, who raises him as her own.  As his life progresses he goes through a series of different changes but eventually he meets the love of his life Daisy when she is a young girl visiting her grandmother.  The film follows the relationship between Daisy and Benjamin and leads up to their adult life where Brad Pitt portrays Benjamin and Daisy is played by Cate Blanchett.  Both leads do a wonderful job and the movie looks and feels wonderful.  A great period piece and I have never seen Cate Blanchett look more beautiful.  Great acting the story is good, it just takes too long to tell.  If you queue this one watch it in two nights so you don't fall asleep.  Still a good film so Just Queue It.

Netflix Top 100 - 5. - The Hurt Locker

Made for a portion of Avatar this movie should have won the Best Picture Oscar and it did! In fact it won 6 Oscars and rightfully so, it is an amazing film.  Shot on location on location in Jordan this movie puts you right inside the battle zone in the Middle East.  It is wonderfully shot, well acted, great special effects, and very gritty.  It gives you the feel of being a soldier in the Middle East.

When I first saw this in the theater, I was on the edge of my seat through out the movie.  It is filmed which so much tension and such suspense that you can't help but be drawn into the plot.  It is the story of Sergeant William James who is a specialist at defusing bombs.  He is assigned to a new team after their first sergeant is killed in the course of duty, and James is more than a little unconventional.  In fact, he's a cowboy. Throwing caution to the wind and seemingly putting himself and his team in danger at every turn. 

As a result of his "recklessness" he seems to have alienated himself from his team, and the film is about them working together to survive the war and just what these men go through to protect our great country.  Jeremy Renner was duly nominated for an Oscar for his portrayal of James, but the rest of the cast is equally great.

I know a lot of people thought this film sucked because of all the hype around it, but I saw it early and I wasn't disappointed.  This is no "Blair Witch Project".  Just keep an open mind, don't expect to be blown away by CG or special effects and you should enjoy this one.  Just Queue It!

Netflix Top 100 - 6. - The Departed

This is a fu#&ing awesome movie!  And I only use that word, because they say it about 300 times in this flick.  What an amazing film by Martin Sciorcese, who has to be the greatest director in American Cinema period.  Yes he's had some clunkers like "Shutter Island", but those are rare.  And this is one of his best, even though his fans will argue with me, who gives a damn!  This is my blog.
The cast is incredible, the writing is extraordinary, and the direction is phenomenal. This movie won 4 Academy Awards including Best Motion Picture of the Year, and why?  Because it's amazing!  It follows the lives of people living in Boston's toughest Irish neighborhood, and the focus here is on the criminal element led specifically by Frank Costello, played wonderfully by Jack Nicholson.  The story follows the lives of two young men Colin Sullivan (Matt Damon) and Bill Costigan (Leonardo DiCaprio) who are in the State Police Academy together and working to become officers. 

I don't want to give away too much in this film because there are so many plot twists and turns, but the story weaves around the lives of these two men and the different paths they take in their careers but both seemingly tied closely to the activities of the Irish mobster Frank Costello.  Their are too many great actors in this film to single any one out, but Mark Wahlberg is great and deserving of his Best Supporting Actor Oscar.  Alec Baldwin is amazing as well.  Stop reading and load this into your queue.  Just Queue It!

Netflix Top 100 - 7. - Sherlock Holmes

This is a great flick though too many slow motion scenes.  that started to become annoying, but worked.
Imagine that Sherlock Holmes was a roustabout and a little bit of rebel, and you have the 2009 version of the age old English legend. This is a good movie and a somewhat loyal but hugely updated version of the great Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes with Robert Downey Jr. playing the principal part. Jude Law is Holmes' reliable Dr. Watson, and both men seem to be incredibly fit,smart, and physical, quite unlike the stories from the books. They are involved in all kinds of big action sequences and fights, which they always seem to win.
However, movies are invariably never as good as the books, so if you take it for what it's worth: this is just a movie, and it is a lot of fun, well acted, and worth the rental. The only drawback is having to look at the crusty smiles of Brits from the turn of the century, where brushing one's teeth with a sugary cinammon stick seemed to pass for dental hygiene. If you do rent this one get the HD version and turn up the sound, it's better that way.  Just Queue It!

Netflix Top 100 - 8. - Inception

What an incredible movie even on the small screen. Okay, you're going to need a Thomas Guide and a GPS system just to follow the plot line, but let me give you a brief overview.
Cobb, played by Leonardo DeCaprio, is basically a thief who works to steal your thoughts in dreams. This reminds me a bit of the movie "Dreamscape" with Dennis Quaid, from the 80's where characters would invade your dreams and kill you.
Regardless, Cobb has a bit of "Extraction" go awry and so the client named Saito decides that he wants to conceive of an idea and implant it into the mind of a competitor. The idea is call "Inception", hence the title of the movie, and if Cobb is able to instill this idea in the target it will change the history of energy forever.
However, Cobb is still troubled by the suicide of his wife, Mal, played wonderfully by Marion Cottard, who cleans up nicely after "My Vie En Rose". In his dreams Mal shows up and sabotages his plans consistently. As a result he hires a new architect, Ariadne, played by Ellen Page, who does a great job. She designs a dream world for their new target to move through for the Inception.
Cillian Murphy plays the target, Robert Fischer, who is set for the inception. As the movie progresses they devise a series of dream layers in order to set up the inception. The fascinating part is how many layers of dreams their seems to be and how they contrive to plant this idea in Fischer's dreams. It is an incredibly complicated idea, with so many dream layers that at one point I thought, "Am I watching the movie "Inception", or am I dreaming I'm watching this movie."
Great movie, in or out of the movie theatre, and definitely worth the rental. Especially on Blu Ray which is phenomenal. Just Queue It!

Netflix Top 100 - 9. - Iron Man

The first and the best in the short series.  Downey Jr. is awesome as Tony Stark, and this movie was great as well.  Not all comic book characters play well on the big screen, but if you have the right actor in the role it works. Downey is perfectly cast here as is Gwyneth Paltrow as his assistant Pepper Potts.  You almost feel as if Downey is just being himself, and that's fine with me.  It's a great role and he does a wonderful job.

Directed by Jon Favreau this film is slightly more action oriented then say..."Elf".  It has loads of special effects and it is a lot of fun.  Downey portrays Tony Stark, a playboy and owner of a large weapons manufacturing company, but also a brilliant engineer.  Stark has worshipped his father and his company for years, but while on a "sales call" in Afghanistan he is kidnapped by insurgents.  Forced to keep a battery attached to his heart to keep the shrapnel from a blast to enter his bloodstream, Stark sets about to build a missile for the insurgents.  However what he builds instead is the first Iron Man suit, to get himself out of Afghanistan.  He does this in spectacular fashion and returns home to find he is now second in command to his father's long time partner Obadiah Stane (Jeff Bridges).  Once more Stark wants to stop making weapons and start healing the earth.

This is a bad move for him and for the company and what transpires is a fight for control of the company and the world.  A great film here especially if you haven't seen it yet.  It is not just another comic book movie, there are lots of good back stories and the relationship between Stark and Potts is interesting.  Just Queue It !

Netflix Top 100 - 10. - No Country For Old Men

How can you go wrong with a Cormac McCarthy book adapted by the Cohen brothers?  No way to fail here. And this movie doesn't fail on any level.  It won 4 Academy Awards in 2008, including Best Picture. But the real gem in this movie is Javier Bardem's portrayal of Anton Chigurh, the villain.  He is one scary bastard in this film and his performance will be remembered for a long time.  And like all McCarthy villains you don't want to meet him anywhere, let alone have him chasing you.

Josh Brolin plays Llewelyn Moss, a simple man just hunting one day when he comes across a drug deal gone wrong in the desert.  After surveying the scene, he determines that there must be money somewhere in the deal and when he finds it, he decides to keep it for himself rather than turn it in.  Bad idea.  By keeping the money he has put himself and his family at risk, and once Anton figures out who took the money, violence and killing follow suit. 

Tommy Lee Jones is the sheriff Ed Tom Bell who is assign to figure out what happened and where the money went.  Not to mention the murders Anton is committing seemingly for no reason in his small jurisdiction.  His search is not only for the money but for the murdering bastard Anton as well.
There are a lot of great performances here, including a cameo by Woody Harrelson.  One of my favorite films and the book is even better this is a must see if you like thrillers.  You'd better Just Queue It!

Netflix Top 100 - 11. - Date Night

Finally, they paired Steve Carell with Tina Fey.  Too bad they didn't give then a better script.  I don't know who wrote this one, but it's good when it could have been great.   I think it would be difficult for this film to fail, given the talent on screen so even with a weak script this film is good.  Carell and Fey play Phil and Claire Foster a couple that has been married for a while and just seem to be going through the motions.  When the two find out they're friends are getting divorced after years of marriage, Phil decides that he needs to change things in his marriage. 

So instead of their usual date night, he takes Claire into NYC, for a night out on the town.  They try to get into a new and exclusive restaurant, but when the maitre de will not take their reservations, then Phil decides to take another couple's reservation.  Fun, frolic, car chase scenes and mayhem follow since the couple they are supposed to be, is wanted by some pretty dangerous people; including 2 crooked police detectives.  A great cast makes this one work, with wonderful cameo appearances by Mark Wahlberg, Mila Kunis, James Franco, and Mark Ruffalo.  A good movie to see on your own "Date Night" at home.  Queue It.

Netflix Top 100 - 12. - Up In The Air

Good movie? Yes. Great movie? No. It really depends on what you're looking for. I had heard so much about how this movie was great, that I believed the hype. Don't get me wrong, it's a good movie. A very interesting look at the life of an aging bachelor and his job which allows him to not only detach himself from his family but from his life. He has no connections, either emotional, geographical, etc.

And Clooney is perfectly cast because this is how we all see him. It may not be how he really is, but it's our perception of him that counts. He is the ultimate bachelor, accessible but unreachable, and that's how he is in this movie. Until...

Enter Vera Farmiga, a hot equally travelled lady looking at the size of Clooney's (Ryan) travel portfolio. She possesses the best body double in Hollywood or the best ass, I can't tell which one, but it looks great on screen. She reaches him as does his unwilling fellow employee played by Anna Kendrick. One is his sexual interest and fellow "detachee" while the other is grounded and tries to bring him into the fold. Both these women touch parts of Ryan (George Clooney) that he didn't know existed, and it ends up affecting the three of them in unique ways. It's well acted, well written, and a good film. Just not a Best Picture nod. Sorry.  But if you haven't already seen it, just Queue It!

Netflix Top 100 - 13. - Gran Torino

This is probably my favorite movie from Clint Eastwood.  Like "Mystic River" it draws you into a small town community in Detroit where Clint plays Walt Kowalski, a retired auto worker.  Walt's wife has just passed away and he was already a sour puss, but following her death he's a real pain in the ass. Clint is great as Walt, a man who is a veteran of the Korean War, a racist and basically an asshole, even to his own family.

Walt lives in a neighborhood which is not predominantly Hmong, but he seems to be the last remaining white man in the neighborhood.  Hmong gangs roam the neighborhood freely and when they try to enlist Walt's young neighbor Thao(Bee Vang) to be in the gang he refuses.  However when they threaten him, he concedes and in order to be a gang member he will have to steal Walt's prized possession, his Gran Torino. 

When Thao tries to steal the Torino, Walt busts him, and instead of reporting him to the cops, he seeks to help the kid reform.  He sees that Thao has no father figure in the house, with just his sister, mother, and grandmother, so Walt becomes a father figure to the boy.  When the gang comes back to Thao's home to try and bring him into the gang, Walt threatens them with a rifle and saves the boy.
But at what cost?  The rest of the story is about Walt learning more about himself and the Hmongs, and helping the boy become a man.  Thao is played admirably by Bee Vang, though you can see he needs to work on his acting skills.  His sister Sue(Ahney Her) is a big influence on Walt and softens him up to the ways of her people.  This is a great film about a man's capability to change, and change for the better.  A great flick!  Just Queue It!

Netflix Top 100 - 14. - The Proposal

Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock are actually good in this film.  Surprisingly, I liked it. I really thought this was going to suck badly, but it was fairly good.  Ryan Reynolds plays Andrew Paxton, an assistant to Bullock's bitch executive Margaret Tate.  Margaret is evil incarnate, and she makes her case early in the movie by firing a potential threat in a fellow publishing executive Bob Spaulding.  But shortly thereafter she realizes that despite her power in the publishing firm they work for, her work visa has expired and the only way for her to stay in the country is to get married.

Andrew (Reynolds) is really her only option since no one else can stand her.  She offers him a proposal.  If he agrees to marry her, then he will be promoted and no longer work as her assistant. He agrees and the two fly off to Andrew's home town in Alaska!  During the trip they meet Andrew's odd and rich family and hilarity ensues.  Great supporting roles by Bette White, Craig T. Nelson, and Mary Steenburgen.  Audiences obviously ignore critics on this one because it made a ton of money at the box office, and rightfully so.  It's a great little romantic comedy.  Just Queue It!

Netflix Top 100 - 15. - Slumdog Millionaire

What a wonderful film!  I can understand why it won so many awards, including the Oscar for Best Picture.  This film is phenomenal.  Well filmed, it also won an Oscar for best cinematography.  It is the story of Jamal Malik, an 18 Mumbai orphan, who is on the show "Who Wants To Be a Millionaire?" and is one question away from winning the grand prize.  However on the night before he tries to win the prize, he is arrested for cheating on the show. 

The police can't see how there is any way a young street urchin could possibly know the answer to all these questions.  So in order to explain himself, Jamal spends the night telling his life story and how he came to know all the answers to the questions.  As he speaks we understand that he is doing all this for the love of a girl. 

It is wonderfully acted by both of the main stars, Dev Patel and Freida Pinto, who play Jamal and Latika.  The scenes showing how he came up with the knowledge to answer all the questions correctly are fascinating. I especially enjoyed him diving into the pile of shit to retrieve a photo of a popular star.  Great writing, great acting, and wonderfully filmed you don't want to miss this film.  A big time: Just Queue It!

Netflix Top 100 - 16. - The Pursuit of Happyness

Hey everybody!  Will Smith found a movie for him and his kid to star in!  BFD! I'm beginning to think that acting can't really be difficult for film if Smith can make his son a star, and if the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air was nominated for an Oscar.  ("Ali")  It's funny, he surprises me sometimes when he actually performs like in this film and Seven Pounds, but then I just think, "how many takes did they do before they got it right?"  Films are a lot easier than live theater which is why I think his kid does well here too.

The story is good, so it's not too hard to screw up.  It is a touching portrayal of a father who is doing everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, to give his child a better life.  Based upon the true story of Christopher Gardner, a homeless father living on the streets with a child and trying to support both of their needs, it tugs at your heart strings as you see what people will do to help their children.  Gardner invests his entire life savings into a medical device he thinks will revolutionize the industry but it turns out doctors don't see it as worth their money.  Stuck with a number of these machines he loses his house, his wife, and all he owns.  He ends up on the streets with his child and finds work as a stock broker "trainee" to help support his family of 2.

The movie is definitely worth adding to your queue just to see the story of how a father's love can overcome even the greatest of obstacles.  Queue it.

Netflix Top 100 - 17. - Avatar

Okay, so this movie if you saw it in the theatre lives up to the hype on Blu-Ray. The only thing missing is the 3-D effects. It's a re-used story which has been seen in everything from Fern Gully to Bambi. Evil men trying to rid native species of their forest and doing whatever it takes to get rid of them. However it's well done and the acting is good, but the effects are the main reason to buy or rent this movie.
James Cameron is a cinematic and effects wizard who probably is an absolute prick to work with, but makes everyone he works with a success. This movie is no different, the colors are incredible,the CG effects out of this world, while the acting is pretty good, with the exception of Sigouney Weaver's avatar. I found her oddly attractive despite the blue tail. (It must've been the large breasts)
The plot is weak but who gives a damn, the movie will make history for it's innovation and break through cinematic techniques.($2.6 billion doesn't hurt either) Be sure to pick this one up if you own a blu-ray player. If you don't then buy one, if you have an HD TV. If you don't have an HD television, you're either over 60, blind, or my parents. Either way, I truly feel sorry for you.  Just Queue It!

Netflix Top 100 - 18. - The Social Network

I found this story fascinating.  Art is definitely imitating life in this movie and to great effect.  Jesses Eisenberg is wonderful, as billionaire Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, and the enemy to plenty of people.  The story portrays Zuckerberg as an arrogant, brooding, nerd, who is angry for not having any women in his life.  In fact the movie begins with a scene of him trying to explain his girlfriend, Eric Albright, why they shouldn't break up.  However Zuckerberg seems to have no social skills whatsoever.  He is so clueless that he comes across as a brilliant idiot!

This is a wonderful story about the founder(s)of Facebook, but really it's a portrayal of Zuckerberg and how he developed the site and then screwed over most of his "friends".  Eisenberg is incredible as Mark, and so is Armie Hammer as the two Winklevoss twins, Cameron and Tyler.  He plays a dual role thanks to the magic of CG, and he does a good job.  This shouldn't be a stretch for him since he is the heir to the business throne of Armand Hammer.  A rich kid playing a rich kid?  Despite the easy transition he still did a great job. 

A fascinating real life story of inspiration, perspiration, and deception.  It is definitely worth adding it to your Queue.  Just Queue It!

Netflix Top 100 - 19. - Inglourious Bastards

Quentin Tarantino, whom I thought had lost his touch, delivers the goods once again.  Thank god.  I was getting tired of all his anime and 70's retro shit.  But this film is a fine return from all of his hobbies.  I'm sure he'll never read this and even if he does, who cares? 

The thing that is wonderful about his films is the quirky humor thrown in during odd and often life threatening situations.  We as an audience have become so numb to violence and death on screen that Tarantino can make a joke out of some very serious matters.  Here he takes a group of renegade Jewish soldiers in the American army during WWII and turns their story into a funny and compelling film. 

This film was nominated for 8 Academy Awards and for good reason.  It's an awesome movie!  The cinematography is incredible, the sound track is great, and the acting is impeccable.  Especially, Christopher Waltz who won an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor.

The whole premise is that this band of Jewish soldiers led by Brad Pitts character, Lt. Aldo Raine, travels across Europe terrorizing German soldiers and scalping them in the process.  Pitt neither looks, or sounds Jewish, but that's what makes his character even more amusing.  His performance is the second best in the film, and together with the rest of the cast this movie is definitely worth watching.  Queue It now!  Don't wait.

Netflix Top 100 - 20. - Blood Diamond

I hadn't seen this one in a while and it showed up as a rerun on HBO so I watched it again.  This is a good movie.  A lot better than I remember, with wonderful performances by Leonardo DiCaprio and Djimon Hounsou.  The movie takes place in Sierra Leone during the civil war, where DiCaprio plays Danny Archer, an ex South African army fighter, and now a mercenary for diamonds.  Hounsou plays a simple fisherman,Solomon, who is captured and stripped of his family in order to dig for diamonds.  Apparently the diamond business was still a feudal enterprise as late as the 1990's.  I guess if you don't dig than you die or lose an arm.  Rough stuff!

As Solomon is digging he comes across one of the largest and purest diamonds ever found.  It is a rare pink in color and very valuable.  However as government troops launch an attach on the mines, Solomon hides the diamond.  However his nemesis Captain Poison who had captured him, sees Solomon hide the diamond but both are arrested before they can retrieve the gem.

In the meantime, Danny finds out that Solomon knows of the diamond and he seeks to get it for himself.  In exchange Danny will find Solomon's missing family.  The two set off on their quest and enlist the help of Maddy Bowen (Jennifer Connolly), a journalist who is sympathetic to the plights of the people in Sierra Leone and cares nothing about the diamond.  Maddy helps find Solomon's family but as they are reunited Solomon realizes his boy has been brain washed to fight.   I won't spoil the rest of the film but the ending is very good.

What great acting and action sequences from the this film.  Why it cost so much is evident, because a lot of the scenes are epic in their expanse and wonferfully filmed.  It's too bad it didn't make a profit because this is a very good film.  The fighting scenes are very realistic and shot very well.  It is good movie but not a great one, and definitely you should Queue It, if you haven't seen it already.

Netflix Top 100 - 21. - The Book of Eli

He everybody Mad Max is a blind guy!  Following in the footsteps of "Mad Max", "The Road Warrior", and "Thunderdome", this movie is about a bleak future where people are all on a road in the hot sun trying to kill one another.  Who comes up with these ideas anyway? And why does humanity always have to be reduced to living in a desert and driving beat up old trucks and cars?

Rather than question the false reality of the situation, I just went along with the film's premise and it worked.  It's not a good film, but as an action thriller it's passable. Denzel Washington delivers, as always, like a bad ass avenging angel with big knife!  He plays Eli, a loner, who is trying to get to the West coast to bring a book to the last known vestiges of "civilization".  Along the way he runs into a ruthless leader Carnegie(Gary Oldman), who admires Eli's fighting skills and wants to enlist his help.  Eli turns him down, and when Carnegie discovers Eli has a book which he himself has been looking, then things get down right ugly.

If you want to enjoy this one, you have to suspend belief.  It is a total rip off of the old "Road Warrior" movies by George Miller but far less engaging or even amusing.  The best part of the movie is the actors fleshing these roles out of a crappy script.  Mila Kunis looks extremely hot as always and Oldman is at his best playing a villain.  Denzel is a one bad dude and the movie works if you forget how poorly everything else doesn't work.  However I can't recommend you queue this one.  Wait for it on cable/directtv/dish.

Netflix Top 100 - 22. - The Notebook

I wanted to hate this movie, but I didn't. Truthfully, I have actually read some of Jonathan Sparks sappy pap, which is all too poorly written and mostly crap.  Hey that rhymes.  But despite my recticence and abhorrance for his work, this book and the subsequent movie are good.  I believe because he based the book and film on a real life romance and through in the same themes from "It's A Wonderful Life", one of my favorite movies.

In the beginning of the film we Duke(James Garner) and Allie Calhoun (Gena Rowlands) in a rest home where Duke is reading a story to Allie.  The story surrounds the lives of a young couple Allie and Noah and their subsequent romance.  At this point the movie flashes back to a young Allie (Rachel McAdams) and her lover Noah (Ryan Gosling) and their chance meeting at a carnival.  The two become romantically involved over the summer, but as the romance heats up, Allie's over protective parents put a stop to it.  Allie is shipped off to New York for college and Noah leaves for the army.  He writes her everyday but Allie's mother hides the letters.

During the war Allie signs on as a nurse for wounded soldiers and meets Lon (James Marsden), a well to do lawyer and a fine pick for Allie's parent as a potential suitor.  He quickly asks her to marry him and as the two are engaged Noah moves back in to town to fix up a beautiful mansion the two lovers shared during their tryst years ago.  Noah invites Allie to come check out the house and the romance is rekindled.  I won't reveal anymore so I don't spoil it for you.

A well acted and thought out romance, I think the characters drew me in, and I found myself rooting for Noah.  It is always a rich versus poor mentality that audiences love and this movie is no exception.  It spurs on the ideal that love conquers all.  Definitely Queue It.

Netflix Top 100 - 23. - It's Complicated

I heard a lot about this film before I actually saw it in the theater and it lived up to the hype.  An awesome cast here led by Meryl Streep as Jane, a divorced mother of 3 kids who is making her way through life and who is still bothered by her divorce.  Her ex-husband Jake (Alec Baldwin) has married a much younger woman, but he seems to still have feelings for Jane.

Jane, who owns a well know bakery shop, also has plans to remodel her house, which brings another suitor Adam (Steve Martin) into her life.  Adam is taken with Jane and they flirt while make plans for her remodel and eventual they decide to make a date of it.  As this is going on Jake and Jane become romantically involved again, after "hooking up" during a party. 

Not too mention the kids involved and the extensive cast, the whole movie is like the title; complicated.  However it is well directed, funny, insightful and the cast is wonderful.  Once again this movie is met to appeal to aging baby boomers who are in the twilight of their lives but still want romance.  It works because it portrays both the female and male sides of this aging generation.  This movie will appeal to anyone over the age of 30 but might not be fodder for anyway under 25.  I liked it and you should Just Queue It, if you haven't already.

Netflix Top 100 - 24. - Inside Man

Jodie, Denzel, and Clive make for a good mix, and this movie does not disappoint.  Made a few years back, just when Clive Owen was starting to make his mark in American films, this movie is well written and wonderfully acted.  Owen stars as Dalton Russell a very clever thief who has the perfect bank job planned when and describes it from a prison cell.  As we watch the robbery unfold, we see that everything did not go as planned and the police are involved.  Denzel Washington also stars here as Detective Keith Frazier, who is under suspicion for corruption charges but is brought in to talk the thieves out of killing themselves and the hostages they have inside the bank.

Apparently in addition to the money involved, the bank has more at stake than expected so they bring in a high profile negotiator played by Jodie Foster who is supposed to help make the robbers and the scandal go away.  Then the fun really begins, but I don't want to give away too much.

If you haven't seen this movie yet, definitely put it in your queue.  It is directed by Spike Lee, but there are no social overtones to this one, just a great plot, great acting, and great directing.  This one actually won the American Film Institutes honor for best film of the year in 2006 so you should definitely:Just Queue It!

Netflix Top 100 - 25. - Changeling

A good Eastwood movie again with Angelina Jolie changing out of lots of period piece clothing.  She's good but an Oscar worthy performance?  Not too sure about that, but she is great in this movie.  It is based upon true events which took place in Southern California just prior to the Great Depression.  Jolie stars as Christine Collins, a single working mother, who loses her nine year old son Walter.  She reports the incident to the LAPD who find another boy 5 months later in Illinois who claims to be Walter Collins.  The police return the boy to his "mother", but Christine Collins swears this is not her son.  In turn the police department turns on her and calls her a lunatic.

When Collins seeks help from a supportive preacher Reverend Gustav Briegleb (John Malkovich), that's when things start to turn ugly for the single mom.  She verbally and psychologically abused by a terrible police captain, played well by Jeffrey Donovan, and is made to seem like an unfit mother.  In fact, she is actually placed in an asylum just for claiming this is not her boy.  In the meantime, another investigation is being conducted for missing children and the plot starts to thicken.

This is one historical movie that Eastwood has done which actually works.  Probably because of psychological element and the fact that everyone is perfectly cast in this film.  The actual abductor Gordon Northcutt, is portrayed wonderfully by Jason Harner and you really hate the bastard.  Well paced and scary because it was all true and took place 30 miles from Los Angeles, this is a good movie and a good story which translated well to the screen.  Just Queue It!

Netflix Top 100 - 26. - Casino Royale

This movie was just what the James Bond movies needed to get the series kick started again.  A new bond, a tougher looking one, and a great series of action sequences.  Daniel Craig is the new 007, taking over for Pierce Brosnan who was getting a little old for the role anyway.  This new version of bond is much fitter, and much more of an every man's spy, than Brosnan's portrayal of the character. 

This is the first of the James Bond book series and finally it was made into a great movie. In the film, 007 is assigned to play his way into a poker game where a banker named Le Chiffe will be playing.  The intent is to defeat Le Chiffe so that he will be forced into debt with his terrorist clientele.  Aided by the super sexy Vesper Lynd, 007 plays well and celebrates equally well.  However his victory is short lived and that's when the movie really gets interesting...

Not only is Craig good, but the supporting cast with Judy Dench as M, Eva Green as Vesper Lynd, and Mads Mikkelsen as Le Chiffe are perfectly cast.  The action scenes are amazing and the movie works on every level.  If you like action movies, then you'll love this one.  Just Queue It!

Netflix Top 100 - 27. - Crazy Heart

Jeff Bridges as a drunk cowboy.  Now that's impressive, but is it a great performance. Is it an Academy Award winning performance? Uh dunno. Good performance by Jeff Bridges, but worthy of an Academy Award?  Not here.  He was better in "True Grit" than this film.  Colin Firth's performance in "A Single Man" was spectacular, but Bridges probably was given the award because he deserved it years ago for other roles. The movie is good, but not incredible, or even that deep. It's the portrayal of an aging alcoholic country music singer, who is trying to get his shit together. Wow an alcoholic trying to get his act together? That's amazing, but I could see that plot line at any of my relatives weddings. Not a big deal, but it did have Colin Farrell as a country music star. This made it that much more unbelievable.

Bridges keeps the film grounded, because any film with Colin Farrell as a country music singer can't be memorable. So Mr. Bridges keeps the film going for more than an 1.5 hours alone with some good songs and Maggie Gyllenhaal looking and acting better than I've seen her since The Secretary. Never been a huge fan of hers but she does a great job as his love interest and really helps turn his life around. Good film and good performances, but nothing spectacular to see here.  It is a good movie if you want to be depressed for over an hour and then somewhat happy at the end.  I would Queue It, but only if you're feeling suicidal.

Netflix Top 100 - 28. - 3:10 To Yuma

Jesus, we can't even make good remakes anymore.  Actually, this one wasn't that bad.  But why do we have to keep rehashing old movies.  Based on the original film with Glenn Ford and Van Heflin, this remake stars a pair of Australian actors as American cowboys.  WTF?
Christian Bale portrays a rancher, Daniel Evans, a good man who just wants to keep his ranch and his family together.  He takes his son into town on an errand and witnesses a robbery by the notorious Ben Wade (Russell Crowe) and his gang.  Wade is apprehended shortly thereafter and Evans in need of money, enlists as part of the posse to help get Wade to a train in Yuma by 3:10. 

The posse is assaulted by Indians and Wade's gang and all the while Wade is trying to mess with Evans psychologically.  Evans has problems of his own, with his son William being an admire of outlaws like Wade.  The action scenes are good in this movie as are the performances, but I just felt they could have done a little more with the writing.  It's a decent film, but just not worth of the stars who put in good performances here.  It's no Tombstone but it's not bad.  Queue it, if you like Westerns

Netflix Top 100 - 29. - Twilight

This is the first and worst of the Twilight movies, and it has made almost 400 million dollars! Wow do we have bad taste.  This movie is true to the book, which yes I read.  But it's just not very good.  They did a wonderful job of casting the leads, and the supporting cast, but the movie just sucks.  Not well filmed, and poorly adapted, it's just not scary or even slightly terrifying.  It does a good job of building the relationship between Bella(Kirsten Stewart) and Edward (Robert Pattinson) but that's about it. 

If you're not familiar with the books, Bella is supposed to be a non descript young girl who moves in with her dad in the tiny town of Forks.  Forks is one of many rainy little towns in the Pacific Northwest but it just happens to have a family of vampires living there:The Cullens.  No one in the town seems to be aware that they are vampires despite their alabaster skin and amber eyes, because they are overwhelmed by their beauty.  Bella falls for Edward, soon realizes she is in love with a vampire and like any young girl decides to go for it and let the world be damned; she's in love.

All this leads to a problem within the family and then the arrival of new vampires who threaten Bella's life.  That's pretty much it in a nut shell and why it was such an easy read.  The acting is okay, the direction poor, and the only good scene in the movie was the baseball game.  If you loved all the Twilight books then you've already seen this movie 5 times.  If you haven't seen don't bother. It's a terrible film.

Netflix Top 100 - 30. - The Dark Knight

The best of all the Batman movies by far, including the first.  Twisted, dark, and utterly awesome this movie by Christopher Nolan is what we've been waiting to see from a Batman movie. I understand that super heroes are supposed to be squeaky clean and the villain horrible but Nolan portrays the characters in this movie with dark reality.  The Joker (Heath Ledger) is a twisted, psychotic bastard, and comical but in a sadistic way, not at all like other portrayals of the character which were almost cartoonish.  Ledger's performance here is phenomenal!

In addition, Batman/Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale) has a lot of issues himself.  He has been bereft of his parents and he can't seem to get over the fact that his girlfriend left him.  He takes to partying and carousing with women, and not acting like a super hero at all.

It is a gritty, dirty, film about criminals and how far a hero will go to bring them to "justice".  Great supporting roles and sub plots here with the introduction of "Two Face" (Aaron Eckhart), the deranged DA Harvey Dent.  Who has fallen in love with Bruce Wayne's love interest Rachel Dawes (Maggie Gyllenhaal).  Overall the cast is great although I prefer Katie Holmes to Gyllenhaal but this doesn't slow down the movie at all.  Great action, drama, and suspense this was one of my favorite movies of 2008.  Just Queue It!

Netflix Top 100 - 31. - Gone Baby Gone

Heh, at least one of the Affleck's can act.  In this movie, it's Casey and not Ben.  But boy can Ben sure direct.  He does a wonderful job in this movie of portraying the gritty life in Boston and of telling a very good story.  It begins with the disappearance of a 4 year old girl, Amanda McCready, and her aunt's quest to find her.  Suspicious of the police the aunt, Beatrice McCready (Amy Madigan) hires two private investigators Patrick (Casey Affleck) and Angie (Michelle Monaghan) to find the girl.  Apparently the aunt doesn't trust the police and there is some money involved as well.

The two PI's discover all kinds of things wrong in the case, and they are forced to deal with drug dealers, dirty cops, and terrible parents.  All the evidence points to one person, and in the end both of them have to decide what is the right thing to do for everyone involved. 

The acting is great by all involved, especially appearances by Morgan Freeman and Ed Harris as the police chief and the detective on the case.  The suspense is wonderful in this movie and Affleck does a good job of keeping the audience involved and pacing the moving very well.  I liked this one a lot.  Just Queue It!

Netflix Top 100 - 32. - Invictus

I can see why Clint Eastwood wanted to make this movie.  It's the story of South Africa, a nation in the midst of a major class war and civil unrest, that comes together to cheer for their national rugby team, the Springboks. However with all the historical elements this film just doesn't give you the same feeling that "Rocky" or even "Rudy" does.  It just seems a little bit off of its mark.

Matt Damon is great as Francois Pienaar, the captain of the South African team and the rugby scenes are well done, but the problem here really is Morgan Freeman.  I don't know if Eastwood has an arrangement to place him in most of his films, but he falls short in his portrayal of Mandella.  First of all he's the right height, Mandella was very tall, but he's just didn't carry the right demeanor. He says all the right things but it just didn't seem believable enough. 

In addition, the story didn't develop enough to show how much Mandella had affected the rugby team and especially the captain.  We don't understand why there was a change in Pienaar.  It's an okay movie but it had so much potential.  Sorry Clint, but wait for this one to show up on Starz.

Netflix Top 100 - 33. - Little Miss Sunshine

A wonderful film about a family coming together on a trip to a children's beauty pageant.  This is a great little film and if you haven't seen it already you should be sure to check it out for sure!  A wonderful cast carries this film about a family's quest to get a little girl to the Miss Sunshine Beauty Pageant in California.

It is the story of the Hoovers, Sheryl(Toni Collette) and Richard(Greg Kinear)the husband and wife with Olive (Abigail Breslen) and Dwayne (Paul Dano) their children.  They are obviously a family that is highly dysfunctional but still together.  Richard is struggling to promote his life's dream of showing everyone his "9 Steps To Success", while Sheryl is busy working and Dwayne is busy brooding.  Olive, the youngest, is obsessed with beauty pageants and trying to win a trip to California. Throw in a crazy grandfather, Edwin (Alan Arkin), and a depressed brother Frank (Steve Carrell) and you have a recipe for a fun.

This movie and it's cast are all brilliant, but keep in mind the story is just as great.  The entire family embarks on a trip to California to get Olive to a beauty pageant.  Arkin and Carrell are especially hilarious as the crazy, coke addicted grandfather, and the out of work gay brother.  But don't think the rest of the cast is not just as incredible.   This is a terrific film and you should definitely Just Queue It!

Netflix Top 100 - 34. - The King's Speech

What a wonderful movie, but not everyone agrees with me, maybe that's why it's 34th on the list for Netflix.  It's the true story of George VI(Colin Firth), unwilling king of England during WWII, and well known for carrying a speech impediment most of his life.

The movie begins with a speech given by then Prince George, and he literally is unable to finish due to his continued stammering.  Apparently, this is a problem the prince has had his entire life, but it had never been made public.  Led by his wife, then Princess Elizabeth (Helena Bonham Carter), he seeks help with his speech impediment from a very unorthodox therapist named Lionel Logue.  Logue(Geoffrey Rush) uses unconventional methods to help work to fix George's speech impediment and in the process the two become close.

Brilliant performances here by everyone involved especially Firth as the king, and he was well deserving of his Oscar.  Geoffrey Rush is equally brilliant and this a very interesting story and a wonderful movie.  Just Queue It!

Netflix Top 100 - 35. - Iron Man 2

Sequels have such a hard time matching the success of the origninal movie and this is no exception. I was so excited to see this movie but disappointed when the movie ended. What an exceptional cast! Don Cheadle, Robert Downey Jr., Mickey Rourke, Scarlett Johansson, Samuel L. Jackson, Sam Rockwell, and I'm sorry but I can't go on, but let's just say the talent was there to make a great movie.

Unfortunately, there was one problem, the script. It was all over the place, and the characters were not as believable as the first movie. And there was one casting that didn't work out well; Mickey Rourke. He was amazing in "The Wrestler", but here he just looks like a Russian version of Randy the Ram Man; oh and a homeless version too, no trailer to sleep in. In addition, his character is supposed to be a genius and a brilliant scientist? Come on, really? At least make him seem like a scientist, not a car mechanic who can weld crap.

Scarlett Johansson is so unbelievable hot in role that I forgot she was fighting guys in the movie. Absolutely smoking, and the rest of the cast was equally good with Don Cheadle filling in admirably as Tony Stark's best friend and fellow freedom fighter. So if they had touched up the script and recast the villain this would've been worth the wait. If I were you, I'd wait for it on cable.

Netflix Top 100 - 36. - Shutter Island

What the hell happened here?  That's what I was thinking when you put Martin Sciorcese and DiCaprio together, the movie would have to be amazing. Maybe like "The Departed" but in a sanitarium?  Man was I ever wrong.  This movie was not awful, but it wasn't good either.  Maybe I was expecting too much?

DiCaprio plays U.S. Marshall Teddy Daniels who is searching for murderess in the year 1954.  He is sent to Boston's Shutter Island Hospital to investigate, and he runs into a series of road blocks to his investigation in the process.  All I know is that anytime you see an old woman with alopecia and a gruesome face, yelling at you as you enter a hospital grounds, it's probably time to get the hell out of there!  However DiCaprio as his partner Chuck (Mark Ruffalo) ignore the signs that something is not right on Shutter Island, and decide to proceed with the investigation. 

They are thwarted at every lead, and when a hurricane comes crashing down on the island they are all but cut off from the main land and they start to doubt not only the sanity of the patients on the island, but there own as well. 

I won't get into too many details but this movie just didn't work.  The directing was okay and the acting was good, but I wasn't horrified by Shutter Island, and the drama just wasn't there.  Something was missing...oh yeah a well thought out script.  Other than that, the movie could have been great, because I liked the premise.  Overall this one is a wait for it on Starz and not a Queue It!  Sorry Leo.

Netflix Top 100 - 37. - Babel

Great cast and a great movie.  Despite it's crazy varying plot lines, I really liked this one. The movie stars a variety of great actor/actresses and works if you PAY ATTENTION.   Brad Pitt and Kate Blanchett star as a couple trying to work through problems in their marriage and decide to take a trip to the Middle East.  (That wouldn't be my first recommendation for marriage counseling but what do I know) As they are riding on a bus in Morocco they are arguing the entire time about how distant they are from each other.   As this is happening a couple of kids who are sheep herders have taken their father's rifle and are shooting in the same area.  The shoot at the bus and hit Blanchett's character in the shoulder.  She is bleeing profusely and they need to get to the nearest town.

In the meantime, another story is running concurrently with a Japanese deaf girl and her father who are recently upset about the suicide of their wife/mother.  The girl is despondent but cannot talk to the father about how she feels.  In addition there is another story surrounding the sheep herder and also the nanny of Pitt and Blanchett's children.  Are you confused yet? 

All these intertwining plot lines come together and at first they all seem like celluloid babel, but eventually they intersect and this movie is great.  Watch it closely and pay attention or you must miss something.  Great direction, great performances and definitely Just Queue It!

Netflix Top 100 - 38. - The Time Traveler's Wife

Rachel McAdams and Eric Bana can't save me from a weird movie about love that transcends time.  Based upon the national best selling book by Audrey Niffenegger ,this movie just doesn't work.  They try to capture the essence of the book but something gets lost in the translation.  Eric Bana plays Henry a librarian in Chicago Library who meets Clare (McAdams) who claims to have already known him her whole life.  Henry is confused and so was I, but soon the director brings us the back story of how Henry is able to travel through time and has met Clare when she was younger.  Henry cannot control when he is able to transport in time, and where he will end up, but Clare does know she's in love with him.  I don't know why but I kept picturing the Incredible Hulk as a time traveler.  He doesn't know when it will happen, it just happens.  The plot line didn't transfer well to the screen and this is another sappy movie.  If you like these kinds of movies about eternal love than you'll love this movie.  I however didn't like it.  I would wait for this one on cable.

Netflix Top 100 - 39. - State of Play

Affleck and Crowe together at last! I was joking and not really excited about this movie, but it turned out to be fairly good. Crow plays a reporter Cal McAffrey who is an old Washington veteran who's career is on a down turn.  He meets aspiring writer Della (Rachel McAdams) who inspires him to investigate two seemingly unrelated deaths.  A Congressman's aid falls in front of a subway train and a petty thief is killed in an alley.  Cal is able to piece together a bizarre story or murder and intrigue with the aid of a Washington insider and friend Representative Stephen Collins (Ben Affleck).

Well acted, with the exception of Affleck, and great performances by Helen Mirren, Jeff Daniels, and Jason Bateman, this movie takes a while to get rolling but if you're not expecting too much, it delivers.  With this caste it should deliver more, but sometimes a movie is only as good as the writing and director.  Unfortunately the direction is just that; decent.  I would give this an understated Queue It.

Netflix Top 100 - 40. - Seven Pounds

Will Smith is a depressing bastard in this movie, but with good cause.  He hides a deep dark secret and he seems both moody and angry as he tries to "help" people with their problems.  Smith plays Ben, an aerospace engineer who despite all of his family's warnings seems determined to help people who are in need.  Haunted by a horrible accident and the loss of his life it seems he has little left to live for, until he meets Emily (Rosario Dawson).  He is determined to help her and several other people in order to amend himself.

Played subtly and wonderfully by Smith and his supporting cast, this movie is great but a real downer.  If you're on the verge of suicide don't watch this one, watch a Christmas special or a Frank Capra movie.  But if you want a real drama, with real emotions, and a great story, this is a good film.  Fine performances, well written, and acted, I liked this one.  It was a surprise because I'm not a huge fan of Will Smith.  He's good here because he under acts for once.  Just Queue It!

Netflix Top 100 - 41. - The Hangover

Why this one is not number 1, I have no idea?  But do I really need to review this one, since everybody and their mother has seen it and can quote it verbatim?  I think the reason people relate to this movie is we've all had nights like this in Vegas where we wake up in the morning not knowing what transpired the night before.  Now most people don't have the night these guys had with tigers, cops, and stripper weddings, but it makes it fun to think we might experience the same thing.

If you try not to dismiss the idea that all this could happen to 4 guys in one night, then the movie is fantastic.  The cast is absolutely perfect with Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms, Justin Bartha, and Zach Galafianakis stealing the show. The premise is that all 4 guys go to Vegas for a bachelor party weekend for Doug(Justin Bartha) but lose the groom overnight in the process.  They spend the rest of the film trying to find him and piece together what happened the night before because none of them can remember a thing. In his first major film, Galafianakis is brilliant as the soon to be brother in law, while Helms and Cooper are equally engaging.  This one lives up to the hype and is loads of laughs.  Definitely Just Queue It!

Netflix Top 100 - 42. - Get Smart

Steve Carrell and Anne Hathaway star in this mild remake of the popular 60's series. If you like the series don't spend too much time comparing the two, and over analyzing the faults of this movie.  I started out thinking how bad this was, but as the movie progressed I realized it's not the same.  The old school "Cone of Silence" and the telephone shoe were corny and funny, but this is an updated version of the show.  I just ran with it after that point and I liked this film.  Anne Hathaway(Agent 99) as usual is incredibly hot in this one, with great outfits to compliment Steve Carrell's bungling agent 86. 

An appearance by wrestling star the Rock(Dwayne Johnson) even works in this film.  Much better than his ridiculous starring roles like "The Tooth Fairy".Who funded that project?  Supporting roles by Alan Arkin, Bill Murray, and James Caan make this a funny movie which is worth it to rent for some laughs.  Just Queue It!

Netflix Top 100 - 43. - The Holiday

Another romantic comedy with a twist, but for some reason I didn't hate this movie.  A great cast of Jude Law, Kate Winslett, Cameron Diaz, and Jack Black, I liked this film.  Diaz and Winslett play two fairly unhappy women who have had a series of terrible relationships.  They decide to swap homes for a holiday and to their delight they find romance during each holiday.  This movie is really over the top sweet, but I got over it after a while.  I am a realist so some of the scenes were just too much, like the fact that each woman's home was picture perfect, especially Winslett's cottage in England which look like something out of a Beatrix Potter book. 

Despite the syrupy sweetness, the two male leads are played well by Jude Law and Jack Black, who is understatedly funny in this one, unlike some of his other films.(Nacho Libre) The chemistry is good, and the acting is as well, so I would rent this one if you like romantic comedies, and if you're a dude, rent this one to impress your lady.  Just Queue It!

Netflix Top 100 - 44. - Valkyrie

Why does Tom Cruise want to kill Hitler?  Is he a threat to LRH? Perhaps that's a plot line for another movie, but in this one, Cruise plays Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg, a top German officer who master minds a plot to assassinate Hitler before he destroys Germany entirely.  The true life story of a plot to murder der Fuehrer, this plays out like all historical thrillers...you already know what happens in the end.  They don't succeed!

On occasion, these kinds of movies work.  Schindlers List, Rabe, and Hotel Rwanda, are all examples of historical thrillers which work despite the fact that you may already know the ending.  Here, they don't build up enough suspense or intrigue surrounding the plot, and when the film reaches its pivotal moment, it's very anti-climatic.  The background stories were decent, but I didn't sympathize enough with the characters to care if they succeeded or not.  This movie is just okay, and I would wait for it to replay on HBO or Showtime.

Netflix Top 100 - 45. - Red

Bruce Willis and a bunch of old coots come out of retirement and actually make a fine film.  I thought Willis' career was over after a few bombs like "Surrogates" and "Cop Out", but this movie is pretty good.  Willis stars as Frank Moses, a retired black-ops agent, who is bored with his life as a retiree in a small suburb.  He forms a bond with his case worker Sarah, played by Mary-Louise Parker and when his past comes back to threaten him again, Willis is forced to enlist the services of his old team.  And when I say old, I mean old...like pacemaker and Rascal old.

Morgan Freeman, Helen Mirren, and Willis taken on a bunch of deadly assassins sent to kill them, and despite it's crazy premise, the film is good.  I know it's a battle cry for members of the AARP, and with all the old baby boomers watching, this film cleaned up at the box office.  With good reason, it's a lot of fun to watch.  And it your Retired and Extremely Dangerous, you'll enjoy it even more.  Just Queue It!

Netflix Top 100 - 46. - Michael Clayton

George Clooney gets more than he bargained for in this film as a "Mr. Fix It" attorney.  Clooney plays the title character Michael Clayton, who is a lawyer who is sent in to "fix" uncomfortable situations for his law firm.  He has been working for a long time in this role and has been able to clean up most of the situations, however he runs into an exception to this rule.

After a major lawyer in his firm goes missing and then has a breakdown, he realizes that the problem is much more than just a partner in the firm losing his way. The deceit goes deep and global in this thriller, and the twists and turns in the plot keep you engaged. In the end, Clayton finally realizes he has a conscience, which might be detrimental to his health.  Excellent performances all around in this one especially Tilda Swinton, Tom Wilkinson, and Sydney Pollack.  Just Queue It! 

Netflix Top 100 - 47. - Charlie Wilson's War

Tom Hanks plays an affable congressman in the 80's in Texas who is both a womanizer and a partier.  He is better known for his scandals than his record on Capitol Hill.  However, he has so many friends in Congress that he ends up on two committees which have a great deal of influence and power.  Notably they can help support the Afghanistan rebels against the Soviet Union. 

With the help of his longtime conservative supporter Joanne Herring (Julia Roberts), Charlie gets the funding he needs to arm the rebels in Afghanistan against the threat of Communism.  He also enlists the aid of a renegade CIA agent Gus, played here wonderfully by Phillip Seymour Hoffman.  Together Charlie, Gus, and Joanne help the Afghan rebels defeat the soviets but there is an unfortunate outcome to the war. 

The cast of this movie is wonderful, the story is interesting to me, but I'm afraid not everyone will like this movie.  Based on the real story of Texas Congressman Charlie Wilson, it is a little too deep for some and not gritty enough for others.  I would definitely Queue It, but not everyone likes stories set in the 80's about former Texas congressman.

Netflix Top 100 - 48. - Shooter

Mark Wahlberg plays a shooter in this film.  Imagine that?  This film is exactly what it is intended to be, an action thriller about a sniper.  Wahlberg plays Bob Lee Swagger an ex sniper who long ago retired with a record for killing people from great distances...like miles.  Who the hell wrote this thing? Anyway, the writer must listen to a lot of sports talk on the radio to come up with a name like Swagger.  Regardless, Swagger is coaxed out of his retirement up in the mountains(which is where everyone retires), to help stop an assassination attempt on the president of the United States.  The attempt is foiled but Wahlberg's character is blamed for the attempt.  As a result he has to shoot to clear his name, and a great deal of action follows.  This is a mindless film which honors the people who can pull the trigger, and if you take it for nothing than that, it works.  If you try to make sense of it, then it'll suck.  I would just wait for this one to show up on Starz.

Netflix Top 100 - 49. - P.S. I Love You

Get ready for this sappy romantic comedy starring the Spartan King from "300"(Gerard Butler), and a former female boxer(Hilary Swank)from "Million Dollar Baby".  This is a movie most women will love and many men will be dragged to the couch and forced to watch.  Filled with a gaggle of romantic cliches, this movie is based around a series of letters left to Holly(Swank) by her dearly departed husband (Butler).  The letters take her on all kinds of different adventures and serve as an affirmation of the couple's love for each other.  It is both sad and endearing, but since I'm not in tune with my emotions, I didn't "love" it.  More like I tolerated it, which many men will do while watching this, just to avoid an argument.  You can queue it if you like rom-coms, but only if you like rom-coms. 

Netflix Top 100 - 50. - Hotel Rwanda

Don Cheadle plays a great character in this one and he was nominated for a number of awards including an Oscar.  This is the true story of Paul Rusesabagina a hotel manager who becomes involved in the conflict between the Tutsi and Hutu people during the civil war in Rwanda.  Paul (Cheadle) is the simple manager of a hotel and tries desperately to remain neutral to the conflict despite pressure from both sides.  Finally he feels the need to help the thousands of Tutsi refugees who are seeking safety from gangs of Hutu roaming the cities searching for Tutsi victims.  It is a wonderful story of how one man can really make a difference in the lives of so many people.  Don't expect this one to be cheery though, given the subject matter, it's a sad story about the nature of prejudice.  I would queue this one for sure.

Netflix Top 100 - 51. - Deja Vu

No idea what this movie is about, although I feel like I've seen it before. Actually, I would like to forget this move altogether, because it's just bad.  Denzel traveling through time?  C'mon man!  This is just a bad version of that TV series Quantum Leap.  To give you a brief plot line, Denzel is an ATF agent, that's right Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms.  And he travels back in time, because this is what dedicated ATF agents do when they're searching for the next Waco...or wacko.  Why they threw time travel into the mix is beyond me, but it just doesn't work here.  Don't Queue it, just burn it.